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Adam Johnstone

.NET & JS Fullstack Web Developer, Backend Developer and Technology enthusiast.

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Hi I'm Adam Johnstone an experienced senior software engineer &
web developer based in Australia. I do a mix of everything from building commercial SaaS solutions, optimised websites & digital assets for google, solution architecture and .NET & JS fullstack development.
If you have a SaaS company I can also take on the role as Head of Engineering to lead the team & select a solid technology stack.

Microsoft Platform - C#, NET, MVC, dotnet Core


Building Websites - HTML5, CSS & Animation, Tailwind CSS


Fullstack Development - Frontend & Backend React.js, Node.js


Solution Architecture - Design for Cloud, Git, CI/CD, Agile


Astro.js - Tailwind CSS, React, Islands architecture


Bun.sh - Elysia.js, Hono, Blazingly fast apis

Companies Worked
Freelancer Projects
Degrees / Certifications
Years of Experience


Frontend Frameworks & tools (Fullstack)

  • React.js / Next.js / Vue.js / Nuxt.js
  • .NET & Razor views
  • Astro.js & islands architecture
  • Angular.js 1 - 2
  • Javascript / Typescript
  • Jotai, Nanostores, Zustand, Pinia
  • Unit Testing - jest, vitest
  • Tailwind CSS, CSS3, CSS animation
React.js Microsoft .NET - .netCore, Kestrel, C# Astro.js Vue.js Nanostores Tailwind CSS Jotai Jest Testing, Jest Unit Tests Next.js Vitest Testing, Vitest Unit Tests Pinia (Vue.js / Nuxt.js state management) Zustand react.js state management - bear neccessities

Backend Frameworks & tools (Fullstack)

  • Microsoft - C#, .NET, Kestrel, .netCore, EF
  • Node.js - Express.js, Shell, Testing
  • REST api development, GraphQL
  • Docker - Build containers, scripts, CI/CD
  • Bun.sh - APIs, Shell, Elysia, Hono, Test
  • Astro.js - SSR and islands architecture
  • Linux - Bash, Scripting, PM2, nGinx
  • Windows Server - IIS, Node.js, Proxy
  • Microsoft - VSCode, Visual Studio
  • Git - Azure Devops, GitHub, CI/CD
  • Microsoft SQL Server, SQL queries & complex joins, functions, views, materialized views
  • MongoDB, Azure - Cosmos DB, PostGreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, AirTable, Strapi
Node.js Bun.sh Bun.js RESTful apis, REST apis GraphQL api, gql Docker Astro.js Windows Server Ubuntu and Linux Git and GitHub Microsoft SQL Server MongoDB PostgreSQL

Microsoft Technologies

  • Microsoft Azure Platform
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • SharePoint 2003 - SharePoint 2019
  • SharePoint online - Forms, Nintex, Plumsail
  • PowerBI - Reports, AI, Insights, DAX
  • Power Automate - Flows, Jobs, Automations
  • Power apps - Integrations, Data
Microsoft SharePoint Online Microsoft Powerapps PowerBI SharePoint Forms Plumsail Forms, Workflows, Docs Nintex Forms & Workflows

Game Development

  • Excalibur.js - JS game development
  • Javascript / Typescript Canvas games
  • Godot game engine & object pooling
  • Game physics engines, Collision detection
Excalibur.js HTML5 Javascript Canvas Games matter.js Phyics engine Godot game engine Plumsail Forms, Workflows, Docs

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